
About Me

Homeopathy has been a part of me since childhood. My mother who was a firm believer of this science would give us small white sugary pills for any illness that we had. Falling ill was sometimes fun as it entailed consuming sweets and also appealed to her because we accepted them readily without much fuss.

Having tried homeopathy and seen its healing effects on my entire family for so many years, I was overjoyed about getting admission into C.M.P. homeopathic medical college at Vile Parle. I entered into its fray raring to know more about this science.

My friends who had little knowledge of its worth, were appalled by the fact that such tiny white balls, all of which looking the same in size and appearance could miraculously benefit all kinds of illness ranging from a simple common cold to problems like tonsillitis or renal stones that they earlier thought could only have one option -surgical removal.

The four and half years of medical school sailed through by learning and applying my theoretical noesis into practise and addressing innumerable patients and cases. It enabled clarity of thought and fortified my conviction about its simplicity, purity, gentleness and the importance of individualization for every patient.

Homeopathy goes much beyond merely alleviating the signs and symptoms. It is a mind body healing that is deep and complete in the most safe, rapid and gentle manner. The results prove time and again the significance and wholeness of this science.

The teachings and guidance from noted Homeopathic physicians like Dr Rajan Sankaran, Dr Sunil Anand and Dr Jayesh Shah have been invaluable in steering a course for my future. I have also had the privilege of working under Dr Nandita Shah and Late Dr Ushaben Maniar who have enhanced my knowledge and understanding. Their experiences, cases and insights have encouraged me at every stage to imbibe their principles of cure.

I update myself by attending seminars and conferences on Homeopathy. The knowledge gained on new medicines and illnesses, from these networking events is invaluable. The traditional methods of Homeopathy have now been supplemented with new technology - Homeopathic softwares and Video recording of cases. These tools help me immensely in my clinic to study and understand patients in a better light and get positive results much faster. The easy access to patient history data catalyzes the treatment process in an organized manner.

With 25+ years of practising classical homeopathy, the joy and happiness experienced by patients who have been helped by these medicines, only urges me further to carry on this fulfilling task with added fervour and intensity to be able to make their lives happy and healthy.


My Clinic

Khandelwal Clinic is state of art Poly clinic located at Lokhandwala Complex-Andheri(W). It is fully air conditioned with a full time front office, operational from Mon-Sat 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Various speciality doctors are available, which includes Homeopath (your’s truly), Skin specialist, Gynaecologist, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Physiotherapist.

Recently they have introduced Pathology also.